The cuties

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  • Post category:Fashion

Here I share with you my two cutest buys, I have had lately, the weasels, which I found from Humana Vintage and Polo Ralph Lauren’s crossbody bag, which can be used also as a belt-bag.

I actually went to Humana Vintage to find some beautiful midi or maxi skirt, but then I saw the cuties hanging on the wall and fell in love 😊. I asked the sales lady there, if these are real. She answered, that yes, they are „too real“ 😊. I don´t support killing animals because of fur, but these were already there. So, I have them now with me.

The bag was also one of my cutest buys. When I got Ralph Lauren’s newsletter to my e-mail, there was another bag with bull’s head, which I thought I have to have. It was just so stylish. It’s a perfect classic handbag with a little special detail. But then I looked also the other bags and there were more similar. I liked these all, but the olive colour with fringes was my favourite.

Dress is from Topshop, was marked as „trending product“ and sold out fast 😊


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  • Post category:Fashion

Hmm.. should I do it or not.. I guess I have to.. because of myself! So here it is – my dream, which I thought I never realize.. my own blog! I thought it might be too late for this, I´m probably not so young, not so special, not so beautiful, not the most stylish person, maybe I don´t have to say enough and so on. But what the hell, this blog is for myself and for everyday women, who live a routine life with their „simple and real“ problems, if could say so. Everyone has their own story, so everyone has to say something. By the way, I´m Triinu 😊.

Here I´m wearing Zara dress (should be still available), Zara leather belt and Karl Lagerfeld bag. Make-up by Jana Boberg. Many people, even my child, didn´t recognize me on that day 😊

I think I have some bacteria or even illness of fashion 😊. And that’s the main reason, I started this blog. But there’s also another reason.. which is deeper and gave me the courage to start the blog.  Recently my life fell apart. And I’m actually happy, that this happened. The problems lasted years, of course there was better and worse times, but some issues will become derminative and you can´t fix these, I just didn´t saw it or didn’t want to. I’m so thankful, that I have had the interest of fashion during all these years. Now I realize, that I subconsciously had some feeling that I have to value myself. All the time I said to myself, that I´m a woman, so I have to have (wear) pretty things and I have to afford these to myself. I probably compensated something else by doing that, but it’s ok. Fashion helped me to be positive and survive the years, it gave me the self-cofidence and I learned, that I´m the most important person in my life. Yes, I´m a materialist, my church, which I visit every Sunday is some shopping center and the (only?) footprint I leave to the earth, is the footprint of consumption. Sorry, that’s me..